Measuring up?


Another great article from Brannon Dempsey. this would make a great short devotional for your next worship or creative team meeting!

“In some churches the quest for “excellence” is an idol…needs to be replaced with the quest to pursue the likeness of Christ crucified and him alone.” – Reggie Kidd

It’s a common struggle we all face at one point. Do I measure up? We live in a competitive world of work, school and even in our churches. In some way, we set a value on what others think. Based on this, we make decisions on how we proceed with our plans and choices.

Consequently, when our search becomes our entire focus for approval, we subject ourselves to live by a measuring stick. When we fail, our self-worth is determined to be of little value. When we win, we take pride in what others think and we feel better about ourselves. Sad but true, we do live in a world that operates by the phrase: perception is reality. But is what we perceive really Biblical? What does God say in His word that determines our worth and His glory?

Psalm 40.4 has refreshed my perspective. David recites a psalm of praise to God in saying:
Blessed is the one
who trusts in the LORD,
who does not look to the proud,
to those who turn aside to false gods.

We have no need to look to the proud, which are those we seek for approval – even from ourselves. This too becomes an idol. So we ask the question, what is an idol? My little red Webster’s Dictionary says this: an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship. A person or thing that is greatly admired, loved, or revered. We look to God for approval. Unto Christ we are blessed, not by man. Almighty God is to be the object of our worship.

When we turn aside from our idols, even the work we do in the church, we are able to take the emphasis off ourselves and place it on Christ. Here, we find our significance in Him, who loved us first and chose us in Christ before the foundations of the world (Eph.1). This true acceptance of grace, mercy and unconditional forgiveness is found in no other person or thing. This is what David meant when he said blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord and does not look to the proud. We have no need to measure up to anyone. We only need to be measured in Christ.

What difference would it make in your life to stop looking for approval? How can you ask God to help you look to Him in discovering your worth in Christ? Let our measure be of Christ that is limitless and boundless in whom we give the glory and in whom we have life.

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